Flat Rate Pricing


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What is Flat Rate Pricing?

How Does Flat Rate Pricing Help Your Business?

What is Flat Rate Pricing?


Flat rate pricing is a pricing structure that charges a single rate instead of charging for time and materials. It involves charging a one time fee that encompasses the actual repair and labor as well as all the overhead (vans, gas, electricity, etc.) Most customers prefer this structure as it’s easy to understand and less of a hassle. Contractors like it because they make more money.


Flat Rate Training Videos 1-16

Flat Rate Whitepapers

What is Flat Rate Pricing Blog

Flat Rate Pricing’s on the Menu

Real Responses from the Flat Rate Front

3 Things Flat Rate Nate Wants You to Know

How Does Flat Rate Pricing Help Your Business?

Presenting an overall price before a technician starts working is beneficial to the business and the customer. The customer gets a single price and doesn’t have to worry about how long it’s going to take. No more watching the clock and worrying about the labor cost per hour.  The customer is more likely to pay right away than to wait for a bill and question the cost.

How to Calculate Flat Rate Pricing

Real Responses From the Flat Rate Front

First Steps To Switching to Flat Rate Pricing

Flat Rate Pricing and Your Service Business

Where Coolfront Makes a Difference

How can Coolfront help you on your journey to profitability?

Coolfront streamlines your process and combines flat-rate pricing

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